The Creative Blogger Award!!

A great galloping thanks to Izzy-grabs-life for my second WordPress Award Nomination!! This is my second award, and it happens to also be a Creative Blogger Award!!! The first time round, I did not really adhere to the rules, (not my fault, they weren’t stated clearly) so this may possibly be a divine intervention offering me a shot at atonement for my ‘sins’.

The Creative Blogger Award

  1. Nominate 15-20 blogs and notify all nominees via their social media/blogs.
  2. Thank and post the link of the blog that nominated you (very important).
  3. Share 5 facts about yourself to your readers.
  4. Pass these rules on to them

I would like to nominate you:

  1. Lilrants – She has the most creative interpretation of ‘stripper’ I’ve encountered. joking
  2. Pint Size Fiction – – Bite-sized nuggets of creative fiction.
  3. MythRider – – Creatively deceptive. She fooled me into thinking she was male because of her profile picture.
  4. Priceless Joy (PJ) – – Forgive me, PJ’s blog is allegedly blog free, but PJ deserves a nomination nevertheless! Brilliantly creative Flash Fiction prompts.
  5. A Narcissist Writes Letters to Himself – – I particularly enjoyed how he described his girlfriend as a demonic talking skull that haunts him.
  6. Life in the Foothills – – I hope one day you can indulge with me the mystery behind your creative username: babso2you
  7. Still Life with Grad Student – – She has the most creative way of dissing about life that makes it so interesting to read.
  8. waltbox – – Anyone who knows Dick Hercules will admit he’s the greatest (fictional?) character ever created.
  9. Morpethroad – – I just realized your username is actually ‘Morpeth’ and ‘Road’. Anyway, he is a splendid writer. Read his story on the Passenger which is simply brilliant.
  10. Fiction Favorites – – Creative way of telling us (from experience?) what not to do when: It’s your birthday, You’re Sent to Shop, etc.
  11. Nortina Mariela – – Her flash fiction and writings are always terrific to read.
  12. Odd Realizations – – An expressive poet that tells captivating stories through her eyes.
  13. The Bibliophile Diaries – – Definitely deserves a read. My favorite in particular: Grunge Princess. No one could have described themselves in a more eloquent manner.
  14. The Chatter Blog – – Snippets of writing in micro-posts; short but sweet, and always with an inspiring message.
  15. Before I Became A Great Writer – – A talented poet who weaves creative stories into poems that are equally humorous and relevant.

Now, for 5 facts about me:

  1. I think I have a very vivid imagination which isn’t the best thing. Reason being, I often imagine myself in new experiences and adventures, but when I actually experience the real thing, it never meets my expectations. Certain examples include overseas trips, joining school clubs, love, and working. Quite an unfortunate double-edged sword here, I’m afraid.
  2. I am an only child. Now upon saying this, people are quick to jump to one of the two assumptions:  1)  I am terribly spoilt.   2)  I have overprotective parents.  Well, I think neither holds true. I never get what I ask for, nor am I denied a decent degree of freedom. However, I am constantly, persistently, consistently, perpetually lonely.
  3. Being constant-persistent-consistent-perpetual-ly lonely, with every new acquaintance I encounter, I approach with the intention of becoming close friends. Linking back to Fact #1, I am always disappointed. I have come to learn that I am a really weird misfit unique individual, which sadly means that I haven’t found anyone who can share my ideals with me.
  4. There is a title unceremoniously bestowed upon me which I abhor. That title is ‘flirt’. Linking back from #3, apparently being overly friendly with everyone you meet, especially girls, earns you some disgraceful monikers. As if being labelled isn’t enough, the rumors are spread and every female I approach is now wary of me. This is infuriating. How can they treat me like a sex offender when the only offence I ever committed is being too talkative?
  5. As of recent years, I began to accept the flaws of the human race, such as the judgmental aspects. I am now content with my narrow circle of friends, although actually deep down, not really. I treat people like dirt now, because apparently the opposite isn’t what they want. Consequently, I lost faith in humanity and I’m now a very pessimistic person.


PS: How do pingbacks work? Do the 15 (recently buffed up to 30) links I painstakingly included above count as pingbacks?  ( I included one to the blogger’s home page, and one to a post, in hopes of the pingbacks working.)

The Creative Blogger Award!!